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Christopher T. Barone Withdraws LLHOA Funds

Christopher T. Barone was not a signer on the LLHOA bank accounts, when he managed to illegally withdraw funds from HOA bank accounts without authorization from the Board. The following is the list of his illegal withdrawals.

From LLHOA operating account: 1. Dec. 23, 2019, $1,000.00; 2. Dec. 24, 2019, $10,000.00; 3. Dec. 26, 2019, $20,000.00; (returned back to LLHOA by Chase bank) 4. Dec. 30, 2019, $8,000.00; 5. Dec. 30, 2019, $9,191.39, total: $48,191.39

From LLHOA reserve account: 1. Dec. 24, 2019, $200,000.00 (returned back to LLHOA by Chase bank)


What does LLHOA owe Christopher T. Barone? To pay him a fair wage for a fair day’s work as long as he worked for LLHOA. What does Christopher T. Barone owe LLHOA? To give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay; to put the interests of the HOA ahead of his interests, his fiduciary duty; to respect the rules, regulation, laws and elections of the HOA. He has done none of these. He disregarded labor laws, authority of the board, contract law, election rules and laws; abused civil legal system; and mismanaged LLHOA to the verge of bankruptcy.

Christopher T. Barone has misrepresented himself as the owner of LLHOA property. He has told numerous people in a variety of settings that the property is his, “That is my property.” That all questions are to go to him, all requests are to go to him and all information is to come from him. He is the personification of the HOA. He has stated that he saved the HOA and without him the HOA will fail. That without his representation all lawsuits will be lost or settled to the detriment of the HOA and its members.

The recall on December 23, 2019, indicated a foundational change to Mr. Barone’s rule over the HOA, his supporters no longer held power, which spelled accountability and supervision for him. Two things he could not abide. So, what did he do? He claimed the election was not valid! He claimed it was a fraud! He claimed that it violated the bylaws! And over the next 3 days, on December 24 & 26, 2019, he went to the bank and withdrew $220,000 in checks and $10,000 in cash from HOA accounts without authorization from the new board, or being a signer on the accounts. $220,000 of the funds was recovered by the new board, and a bank employee, whom Paul Bromley referred to as our friend at the bank, was fired.

Over the next week or so, under Mr. Barone’s supervision, the point of sales system and the human resource/payroll system were dismantled and several terminals (each costing $2,000) were removed from the clubhouse and pro shop; the alarm system was disabled and parts, such as keypads and sensors were removed; when the locks were changed twice by the new board, each time he changed them again, effectively locking the new board out of the clubhouse, pro shop, and restaurant; he recorded the new board having a private executive meeting and made it public.

On December 31, 2019, Christopher T. Barone was informed that his position had been eliminated and that he no longer worked for the HOA. He defiantly protested that he was the CEO and that the new board did not have the authority to fire him. Since that day, his actions have been in the pursuit of his personal interests and the implementation of his agenda of complete domination of our HOA. He plans to achieve control as CEO and through his management company, which he claimed in a recent letter is the management company for LLHOA.

He has a strong need to hold on to his previous role in the HOA. It could be for the lucrative pay check, or for the personal satisfaction derived from the position, but more likely it was for both of these as well as his overwhelming desire to be the man in control of something. He desires to be the big MAN who gives orders not the little man who receives them. He wants the power and to keep it he will do anything, legal or illegal, moral or immoral, whether for the benefit of our HOA or to its detriment. Whatever it takes, win at any cost. He has no sense of judgment of what is right or wrong. His actions are those of a desperate man doing anything and everything he can to achieve his objective with disregard to the damage his actions have and will continue to have on the HOA.

This is not a man who should be in charge of our HOA as an employee or a Board member. His time has passed. It is time for him to move on. We are on to his deceptions and lies, manipulations and treachery. To oppose him is not to support GPL as he has tried so hard to sell. No one is buying, he can no longer sell his brand of snake oil here.


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